practice in private. get rewarded in public. #success

I can't remember who said this but if you think about this line, you'd start doing things differently. People are rewarded in public what they practice for years in private. Great words, right? Well, in the book As a Man Thinketh, the author James Allen writes: “The thoughtless, the ignorant, and indolent, seeing only the apparent effects … Continue reading practice in private. get rewarded in public. #success

get to where you want to go, faster. avoid these mistakes…

We are told that about 90% of people are classed as failure. But what's failure? Well, in the words of Sir Richard Branson in his book Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur, failure has the following meaning: Failure is not giving things a go.... People who fail are those who don't have a go … Continue reading get to where you want to go, faster. avoid these mistakes…

study, practice and teach – whatever you believe in

If you believe in something then study, practice and teach. If you know that what you believe in has the power to add to other people's lives then it's your responsibility to study, practice and teach. If it can help someone achieve their goals then study, practice and teach. If it doesn't take away from anyone but contributes to … Continue reading study, practice and teach – whatever you believe in

Mark Cuban (@mcuban): in life, you only have to be right once

Excited. That's how I feel about 2016. But why? Because I'm on the right bath. Because I've chosen to path of continuous personal improvement. And not the improvement that happens once in a while... This have got the daily routine. Before I go to bed, before I run out of my house, before I write … Continue reading Mark Cuban (@mcuban): in life, you only have to be right once

choosing the path of continuous personal improvement (cpi)

It takes effort and courage to choose the path of continuous personal improvement. Most of the time when I observe those who have no drive, no goal, and apparently, those who are happy where they are, I find one simple answer: they have not chosen to improve themselves. But why? Because most of us like … Continue reading choosing the path of continuous personal improvement (cpi)

what is your continuous improvement strategy?

<<Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. ¬ John Ruskin >> When you're known for poor quality on what you sell, on what you do, people tend to ignore you. Your previous customers buy somewhere else. Your competitors make more money than you. And then your profit starts to fall. Before … Continue reading what is your continuous improvement strategy?