thought of the day (for personal growth enthusiasts): the new model

Fact: personal development is important. That is why we take daily actions that help us grow and achieve better results - whether it's in our personal lives or on our business lives. But there’s something that we repeat pretty often. Something that doesn't serve us well. And that is remaining who and what we are year after … Continue reading thought of the day (for personal growth enthusiasts): the new model

selling: let it not be a swear word…

Is selling a swear word? I mean, it looks like to most people selling isn't something to really talk about. I know this because some of my readers have stopped visiting my site simply because I don't talk/write more about the law of attraction like I used to. And I also know this because here in the … Continue reading selling: let it not be a swear word…

study, practice and teach – whatever you believe in

If you believe in something then study, practice and teach. If you know that what you believe in has the power to add to other people's lives then it's your responsibility to study, practice and teach. If it can help someone achieve their goals then study, practice and teach. If it doesn't take away from anyone but contributes to … Continue reading study, practice and teach – whatever you believe in

5 sure ways to keep personal progress momentum going: 1. always be learning

Probably, this is the answer you've been looking for. So please, let me be that special messenger to deliver it. Have you ever found yourself stuck and don't know what to do next? Have you ever found yourself somewhat overwhelmed with what's going on? Are you now where you were a year ago when it … Continue reading 5 sure ways to keep personal progress momentum going: 1. always be learning

the soul of any business (and any personal progress) is…

"Has business a soul? Has it any quality or characteristic by which it lives, thrives, and grows to majestic proportions? If there are things that disrupt and destroy business, there are also things that establish and perpetuate business. These elements are many — industry, frugality, fair-dealing, self-respect, considerateness. But the soul of business is confidence." … Continue reading the soul of any business (and any personal progress) is…

i was lost but now I’m found: from to and back to

How wonderful it feels to be back at I've spent a few months using - or self-hosted part of the world and I must admit, if you are not a full time blogger/writer/author, it's better to take the easy path with This side of the world things are easy. > They do … Continue reading i was lost but now I’m found: from to and back to

the first and the most reliable manifestation (and how to make it part of you, regardless)

Hey, I hope you are doing great! Straight, let's get to the first and the most reliable manifestation. You see, in the world of deliberate creation, or in other words, the world where some of us consciously create our worlds - and not simply by reacting to what's happening around us, - there is so much … Continue reading the first and the most reliable manifestation (and how to make it part of you, regardless)